Yes, It’s Possible to Keep a Healthy Diet While Traveling

As a Pilot’s wife I travel quite a bit and I am well aware that sticking to a healthy diet while traveling can be one of the more difficult things to do.

Traveling is probably not the best time in which to start a healthy diet, but if you are currently making healthy choices in your foods already, modifying your diet slightly to accommodate travel is not as difficult as it first may seem.

Traveling By Plane

If you are traveling by airplane, your diet may have to include airplane food, which can often be of poor nutritional value depending on the selection. When you book your flight, ask about your food options. Most airlines now provide meals that accommodate special dietary needs such as gluten free or vegetarian. I often opt for a vegan meal and I always, always turn down the dessert!

If you can, eat a larger meal before your flight so that you don’t have to eat the entire meal that is served to feel full. If your travel involves a full day I suggest having several of my favorite Think Thin healthy bars on you so you don’t end up having to eat crappy airport food while waiting around.


picture of Think Thin bars for healthy diet while traveling


Traveling by Car or Bus

When driving or taking a bus, you may be tempted to stop at fast food restaurants and eat the meals found there. Avoid this whenever possible! If you’re on vacation, you may wish to splurge a tiny bit, but having fast food more than once during a week can really be bad for your health. If you must, choose the healthiest options available, like chicken breasts and salad and drinking water instead of soda will not only be better for your health but it will be better for your pocketbook.


Also, remember that you can often take your own meals when traveling. Carrying a loaf of whole-wheat bread or pita wraps, some lean lunch meat, and low-fat cheese in a cooler is a great way to avoid high-fat, high-cholesterol and sugary junk food meals and snacks while on the road. These are much better choices and again, you’ll save a lot of money as well. I even suggest you call ahead to ask if there will be a refrigerator in your hotel room. Once you arrive you can then find a close market and stock up on fresh fruits and vegetables as well.

Eating Out

Lastly, make smart choices when you eat out. If you choose salads or pasta get the dressing on the side and ask about low-carb options. In fact, these days many places print these dieting options directly in the menu for the health-conscious people. Control your portions by ordering lunch menu sizes or splitting the meal in half and getting a doggie bag, and you’ll be well on your way to healthy eating, even away from home.

Yes, eating healthy foods when you travel can be a challenge. However, your health is worth it. Eating meals high in nutrition will also assist in fighting illnesses that you are likely to encounter when traveling and you will find yourself more alert so that you can enjoy your trip.


food shaped like Italy healthy travel food picture


Do you struggle with eating healthy while traveling? Comment below and let’s find a solution!

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