Springtime Blueberry Peach Pancakes
  • CourseBreakfast
Servings Prep Time
1 5minutes
Cook Time
Servings Prep Time
1 5minutes
Cook Time
  • 1/2cup oat bran
  • 1white farm fresh egg white
  • 1/3cup water
  • 20drops peach flavorI use the Capella brand
  • 1tsp vanilla
  • 2tsp apple cider vinegar
  • 1/2cup blueberriesI use fresh, not frozen (and organic)
  • 1tbs Soyatoo soy whip(optional)
  1. Mix all ingredients and cook on pre-heated and lightly sprayed with oil pan (on medium heat). Top with Soyatoo soy whip and a few fresh blueberries if you desire a light, yet healthy topping. Makes 2 hearty pancakes, unless you’re brave and make one large one.  Good luck with the flip : )