100 Calorie Pumpkin Bars
All I can say is Wow! These 100 Calorie Pumpkin Bars turned out de-lish! Perfect texture, great taste, and can you believe they only 100 calories per bar? Bag one or two of them in snack sized baggies and freeze so you can pull one out for a quick, healthy, on the go, clean snack!
Servings Prep Time
12bars 10minutes
Cook Time
26 – 30minutes
Servings Prep Time
12bars 10minutes
Cook Time
26 – 30minutes
  • 1 1/2cups oatmealblended to almost flour-like consistency
  • 2scoops protein powdernon-flavored
  • 3/4 – 1tbsp pumpkin pie spice
  • 1/4tsp cinnamon
  • 1/2tsp baking powder
  • 1/8tsp salt
  • 1scoop ground flax
  • 1/8cup agave nectarcan substitute honey, molassas or similar natural sweetner
  • 2-3dropper fulls liquid vanilla Steviacan substitute dry as well
  • 1/2 can (approximately 1 cup) pumpkin pureeNOT the pumpkin pie filling
  1. Mix dry ingredients in a bowl
  2. Mix wet ingredients in a separate bowl
  3. Spray 8 x 8 cooking pan with oil (I used coconut)
  4. Stir together all ingredients and put in baking pan
  5. Bake on preheated oven at 350deg for 26-30 minutes
Recipe Notes

Nutrition Facts:

100 calories

1 fat

15 carbs

2 fiber

8 protein

6 sugar