DON’T Drink Your Calories!

The average American takes in 300 calories a day from sugary drinks alone.  One thing you must know is that liquid calories don’t register the way food does – they cause no satiety so they are just EXTRA calories.  Changing just that one habit can have a huge impact on our waistline!

Most of your calories should come from food, not beverages.  It is very hard to get satiated from liquids, yet is very easy to gulp down three, four, even five hundred calories, often mostly from sugars, all in a single sitting.  picture of sugary drinks

Now let’s clear something up – When I refer to “drinking your calories” I’m generally referring to things like juices, milk, alcohol, etc.  Most do not consider “smoothies”, meal replacement shakes, whole food juicing and the like to be true liquids that are considered “empty calories”.  These things typically contain whole food ingredients that have simply been “blended” into a thick liquid form so your brain still registers the fullness of the blended whole food ingredients.
words too much sugar in sugar grainsIf you want to take the first step to losing weight and getting healthy DON’T DRINK YOUR CALORIES! Ditch the sodas, fruit juices, alcohol, etc.  Replace your liquid “vices” with healthier options and it won’t take long to start noticing the changes both inside and out.

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