Cleaning With Essential Oils

Everyone needs to clean their house or office at some point in time, but if you are like many people, you probably do not like the smell of the toxic chemicals. Maybe you’ve tried to clean with a mixture of water and vinegar in the past and that smell didn’t thrill you either. The one thing that you’ve been missing out on for all of these years is essential oils. Essential oils make cleaning products smell much better and certain essential oils have a component that actually cleans really well.



There are many different essential oils that can be used for cleaning and there are numerous recipes available on the internet for people to try. Many of the essential oils can be mixed together to create unique scents, but it important to remember that the essential oils are concentrated and you should use the least amount of drops as possible. Even though the essential oils are a natural product they can still be harmful to your skin if too much is used at once.

Lemon and orange are two of the most popular essential oils that are used in cleaning products.

Lemon essential oil can deodorize the air, so it is perfect to place in the refrigerator, a closet or the bottom of a garbage can. It is also wonderful as a floor cleaner and all you need to do is mix together a gallon of hot water, 1 cup of vinegar and 5-7 drops of lemon essential oil. The lemon essential oil can also be used as a wood or leather polish.  Mix 10 drops of the oil with a half cup of olive oil and your wood and leather will shine beautifully.

image of lemon








Orange essential oils work great on grease and when you combine them with castile soap and water, you can clean your stove and counters quickly. The orange essential oil can also be mixed with the lemon oil when you make a floor cleaner, so you don’t have to worry about having to scrub the spills that have hardened. Using the orange essential oil in an air freshener is a good way to keep the house smelling fresh and invigorating all day long.

image of orange essential oil

Lavender is a more calming scent, so for those people who cannot handle the citrus scents, this would be perfect. Hand washing dishes can be therapeutic, so making your own lavender dish soap would be a good way to help you relax even more while doing this chore. You can also make an easy lavender linen spray by adding 2 cups of distilled water, 2 tablespoons of rubbing alcohol or vodka and 15-20 drops of lavender essential oil in a spray bottle. Spray it on your pillow in the morning, so you can enjoy the scent as soon as you lay down in the evening.


Thyme, pine, cinnamon, peppermint, eucalyptus, rosemary, grapefruit and tea tree essential oils are also used in many cleaning product recipes. Many of these oils fight germs, help clean and certain ones are already found in many of the commercial cleaning products. The best thing about using them in your own products is that you will not have to worry about the harmful and toxic chemicals.


It is really simple to start using essential oils in your cleaning products. Once you get started, I can guarantee that you will not want to use anything else! Your house will smell much better and you will most likely notice that you don’t mind cleaning as much as you did before.

What are some of your favorite essential oils to clean with? Tell me in the comments below!

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