One thing that has been critical for me in my healing journey has been incorporating essential oils into my life more.

picture of Young Living cooking oils

I’ve used essential oils for years but once I really put them into use on a daily basis I’ve noticed a positive difference in so many ways. Essential oils have helped me so much I want to share with all my lovely wellness revolutionaries what works for me in hopes it might work for you too.

Full disclosure as always: yes, I am a Young Living distributor and have been for awhile but I have never tried to do anything with it as a full business. I simply use essential oils in my daily life and it occurred to me that if it works for me, why not share it like I do everything else that works for me because you never know who else could benefit from it.

After all, The Wellness Perspective™ is about being empowered. Empowerment comes from confidence and confidence comes from having balance.

Balance means having all sides of your “life triangle” in place. That is, having your life balanced in the EMOTIONAL, PHYSICAL and SPIRITUAL areas because it seems as though when one area is not going well, the others tend to suffer as well.

picture of wellness wheel

I have suffered from chronic pain and numerous “invisible illnesses” for years now and I understand the difficulty in maintaining a “wellness” lifestyle that incorporates all areas of your life triangle.

“Health” is dynamic for everyone but dealing with chronic pain, low energy, depression, feelings of hopelessness and so many other issues that go along with chronic pain and invisible illnesses often means it takes a lot more discipline to maintain balance in your life.

What I love about essential oils is that they can be incorporated into all three areas of your life triangle, literally bringing balance back into your life!

I use essential oils for everything from flavoring to green cleaning to de-stressing to pain relief/muscle rubs and SO MUCH MORE!

picture of lavender oil

Be sure to check the website periodically for updated essential oil information.

Join the Essential Oils for Wellness Revolutionaries Facebook group!

Read any of our articles below to learn more about the NATURAL power of essential oils!

Essential Oils image

Top 5 Essential Oils You Shouldn’t Be Without

The use of essential oils is as old as time. But their benefits are becoming more appreciated with each passing day. They have been employed in aromatherapy, perfume and cosmetic industries. They can be used topically, via inhalation, massage, room diffusion and also in soothing baths. They are extracted via expression techniques, steam distillation and […]

image of orange essential oil

Cleaning With Essential Oils

Everyone needs to clean their house or office at some point in time, but if you are like many people, you probably do not like the smell of the toxic chemicals. Maybe you’ve tried to clean with a mixture of water and vinegar in the past and that smell didn’t thrill you either. The one […]