Empowerment could be considered the act of investing oneself with more control and authority over one’s path.

It is based on the idea that giving people the knowledge, resources, motivation, skills and accountability for outcomes of their own lives will contribute to their self-determination to live a meaningful and purposeful life.

When someone has the power within themselves, they no longer take on the victim role and can better align themselves with the purpose and passion they have within so they can live and work with who you really are.

When you are empowered, you are fully aware of the challenges you face – and you see them with eyes wide open – but you know in your heart you have what it takes to navigate through them with strength and success.

In modern times there is often so much confusion on life’s best practices. We are confused by the inundation of information, we are too busy for our own good, and we often times neglect ourselves, our bodies, and our own needs.

At some point though, this catches up to us, sometimes humbly bringing us to our knees and opening our eyes that it is time for a change.

But what do we do about it?

I am a firm believer that the first thing we can do to empower ourselves is to be educated on HOW to empower ourselves. Whether that means we need to learn healthier ways to eat or to practice meditation and stress relief, it literally is up to US to learn exactly what it is our bodies need.

My goal is to help you help yourself learn how to become empowered to live your life to your fullest …

So, are you ready to live an empowered life?

Read any of our articles below to learn more about living an empowered life!

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Tragedy, Loss, Heartache, Pain, Sorrow … and Wellness

As I started to write this post to give you some insight on how to maintain a little wellness (and sanity) during a period of tragedy, pain or trying time, I started to think maybe I wasn’t sure I saw that happening. I think I’ve had so much loss and heartache this year that looking […]

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SMASH Your Quitter’s Mindset While Dieting!

Having a quitter’s mindset and being a quitter never feels good. But when we quit on our diet it’s more than just a decision not to do a task in life. It’s a sign that we’re not valuing ourselves as much as we should be. Most people diet for one of two reasons. Either they […]

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5 SIMPLE Ways to Take Care of Yourself During Stressful Times

Stress is a killer, and sadly these days we seem to take on more and more stress in our ever-increasing busy lives. Stress can lead to inflammation throughout your body, triggering the onset of a number of less than dire desirable health conditions. It attacks your emotions and mind, which can lead to neurological disorders, […]

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Mindfulness Exercises

Mindfulness exercises let you “tune in” to yourself. Distractions are let go and your brain power is increased. Mindfulness exercises help you think more clearly and concentrate better. The best news is that they are easier than you might think to learn! Start with these two simple mindfulness exercises to be on your way to […]

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Eliminate Negative Thoughts … And Lose Weight

You think thousands of thoughts each day. You talk to yourself more than anyone else. You are your most trusted advisor and confidant. Many of the conversations that you have with yourself you would never share with anyone else because to do so would expose the “real” you. The you that is filled with self-doubt, […]

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Coffee Break Workout

Does your energy CRASH by afternoon? If so, try this quick coffee break workout to lift your spirit and boost your energy to keep you going through the rest of your day! ℒℴѵℯ and gratitude Julie Lorraine and your The Wellness Perspective™ wellness team

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5 Truths To Get Through Difficult Times

When it comes to tough times and difficult situations you can look at things three ways: you can let the situation define you, let it destroy you or let it strengthen you. It’s your choice because mindset is half the battle. In other words, think it through and choose wisely. Here are a few tips […]